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LIGHT CITY functions around five areas of ministry called our, “Five Light Focuses.” We purposely narrow our focus to these five areas in order to effectively maximize our strength and resources to carry out LIGHT CITY’s mission.


At LIGHT CITY, we believe that the Word of God is our lifeline: it reveals God to our hearts and shows us how to live. At LIGHT CITY, we are dedicated to communicating the Word with clarity, practicality, and precision, so that those who hear it can apply it and grow in every season.


Worship is a lifestyle of laying our hearts before God. Worship heals, restores, renews, breaks bondages, builds, and draws us closer to God. When we gather at LIGHT CITY, our worship to God is sung out of known biblical truths about who God is, what His promises are for us, and what He is speaking into the hearts of His people.


Prayer is at the foundation of all that we do. We believe that prayer is an essential element to revival in our nation and generation. LIGHT CITY functions not only as a church, but as a House of Prayer (Matthew 21:13, Is. 56:7). At LIGHT CITY, prayer is consistently offered to God for our generation. Intercession is usually energetic, as the entire room is invited to engage in corporate prayer. There is generally a specific prayer focus. We will pray as led by the Holy Spirit for a variety of topics, some of which include: individual needs, our immediate region, our nation, and the world.



Mark 16:15 is clear: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." We are committed to sharing the love of Jesus beyond the walls of the church building, and to winning souls to the Kingdom of God. We are committed to go and introduce others to the LIGHT, Jesus Christ!


LIGHT CITY is committed to praying and working for justice in our society. We aim to share the love and compassion of God in practical ways. As a local community of believers, we focus on the surrounding area by helping the elderly, fatherless, housebound, disabled, homeless, and others in need. Isaiah 1:17