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Join us from Monday, September 23rd - Sunday, September 29th for a time of corporate prayer & fasting as we believe God for breakthrough and salvations. Let’s give our attention to God and His Word and grow in our faith together!

Corporate Prayer

Join us virtually Monday to Friday at 12 pm

Join us on Zoom at: Click Here To Join

Virtually on Tuesday and Thursdays at 10 pm

Join us on Zoom at: Click Here To Join

Virtually on Saturdays at 10 am

Join us on Zoom at: Click Here To Join

Why We Fast 

(These are scripture that reveal the power of fasting and prayer. Study them to build your faith) 

Isaiah 58:6-11

Daniel 10  

Mark 9:14-29 

Acts 13:2 

How We Fast  

(These scriptures reveal how our hearts should be positioned as we fast)

Matt. 6:16-18

Joel 2:12-13 

Fasting Options

Option 1 – Between the hours of 7am-7pm, participants will consume fruits, nuts, vegetables, juice, and water. From 8:01pm-6:59am, participants will consume only water.

Option 2 – Participants will consume only juice and water from 7am-6pm. (After 6pm you are free to eat what you desire.) 

Please note that if you have any physical problems or are taking medication of any kind,  it is important to consult your physician before beginning a fast.  


Repentance & Salvation - Monday 


  • Pray and Confess your sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. Thank Him for blotting out your sins. Ask Him to have mercy on you because of His unfailing love.  (1 John 1:9, Psalm 51;9., Isaiah 44;25 ) 

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring a fresh awareness of any unknown or hidden sin in our lives and how it separates us from Him. Pray that as we draw closer to Him through repentance, we would experience a new  nearness of His presence.   James 4:8-10, Acts 3:19 

  • Ask the Lord to forgive us for anyway we have grieved the Holy Spirit by the way we live. May the words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you O lord, our rock and our redeemer! (Ephesians 4:30, Psalm 19:14). 

  • Ask the Lord to create a new, clean heart within you. Ask Him to fill you with pure thoughts and Holy desires, ready to please Him. Psalm 51:6 


  • Pray that God, will draw our family and friends unto Himself John 6:44

  • Pray that God will grant our friends and family the gift of repentance, turning their hearts from darkness to light, in alignment with Acts 26:18

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit's conviction to touch their hearts and pray for the removal of every spiritual blindness that hinders their understanding of His truth, John 16:8, 2 Corinthians 4:4

Monday’s Impact Challenge: Can I Pray For You?

Today, you will take the time to reach out to all 5 people that you believe God will impact this week. (These are the names you listed on your prayer and fasting challenge registration form.)

Here’s A Sample Message:

Hey (First Name), I hope you are having a good day. This week, I am participating in prayer & fasting with my church, Light City. I also have committed to pray for my friends and family as well. So, I was reaching out to see how I can pray for you this week. Please let me know, and I’ll be sure to pray for you during my quiet time.

Healing- Tuesday  

  • Pray for the miraculous touch of God's healing power upon those who are in need of physical restoration, believing in His promise in Jeremiah 30:17. Pray for the restoration of strength and vitality in their physical bodies Isaiah 40:31

  • Pray and ask God to release every one who is suffering with a spirit of infirmity. Pray for divine healing by the power of the blood of Jesus. Luke 13:10-13, Isaiah 53:5

  • Pray and break all curses of sickness and disease, and command all hereditary spirits of sickness to come out in Jesus Name Gal. 3:13,  Isaiah 53:5

  • Pray for the binding up of wounds and the healing of broken hearts, in accordance with Psalm 147:3

  • Pray for the lifting of burdens and anxieties 1 Peter 5:7 and Pray for a supernatural outpouring of joy and gladness Psalm 30:11

  • Pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding to guard the hearts and minds of those who are struggling emotionally, Philippians 4:7 and Pray for a renewed soundness of mind and clarity of thought 2 Timothy 1:7 

Tuesday’s Impact Challenge: Encouragement

Send an encouraging message to 2 of the five people you believe God to impact this week. (For example, this can be an encouraging scripture, an encouraging prayer in a voice memo, words of encouragement in the form of appreciation.)

Freedom - Wednesday  

  • Pray for the full armor of God to protect you from spiritual attacks and stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-18

  • Pray for the power of the blood of Jesus to cleanse and purify you from all unclean spirits. 1 John 1:7

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit convicts and transforms those entangled in perverse desires,  Romans 8:5-6 and Pray for the light of Christ to expose darkness and break the chains of perversion Ephesians 5:13-14

  • Pray for deliverance from any form of oppression or trouble you or your loved ones are facing. Ask God to hear your cry and rescue you.  Psalm 34:17

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to break any chains of sin or bondage in your life ( & your friends & family lives) and to grant you true liberty through the power of Christ.  John 8:36

  • Pray against hopelessness. May those bound by depression have hope and an answer to their faith, their walk and their existence  Proverbs 13:12  

  • Pray against every form of fear and timidity in the hearts of those struggling with anxiety in the name of Jesus. Pray for a sound mind and self-discipline, replacing anxiety with the peace that surpasses understanding. 2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4:6-7

    Wednesday’s Impact Challenge: Blessing

Choose one person from your list to bless! You can choose to bless them with lunch, coffee, flowers, or even a small financial gift :) 

Hey… You were on my heart today, and I just wanted to bless you with (fill in the blank)

Reconciliation With God- Thursday

  • Pray for a renewed zeal and passion for God's Word and His presence. Psalm 119:130 Pray for a heart that burns with love for God, serving Him fervently. Romans 12:11

  • Pray for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit to stir up your spiritual fervor. Acts 2:4, 2 Timothy 1:6

  • Pray for divine encounters that draw people back into a vibrant relationship with God  Luke 19:10 

  • Pray for the manifestation of God's love that compels individuals to return to Him Romans 5:8

  • Pray for the breaking of strongholds that keep individuals captive 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

  1. Pray for the healing and restoration of broken relationships with God Hosea 6:1 and Pray for the outpouring of God's mercy and grace Ezekiel 36:26-27

Thursday’s Impact Challenge: Check In Phone Call

Choose two people from your list to call and check in on. Just simply taking 5 minutes to call and have a conversation with a person, can make all the difference! 

Revive Us -Friday 

  • Pray and ask God to start a personal revival in your own life. Ask God to deepen your relationship with Him, and restore the joy of your salvation. Psalm 85:6, Isaiah 57:15

  • Ask God to deliver you from any spiritual dryness or apathy you may be experiencing. Pray for a fresh outpouring of His presence and a renewed passion for seeking Him, so your soul is refreshed and revitalized.

-Then,Pray for the revival of spiritual hunger and thirst in those who have drifted away. Isaiah 44:3, Psalm 42:1-2

  • Pray for a powerful move of God in your church. Ask Him to unite the congregation, ignite a passion for His Word, and bring about a fresh outpouring of His Spirit. Acts 2:17, Jeremiah 15:16, 1 Peter 2:2

  • Intercede for revival in our region. Pray that the people will humble themselves, seek God’s face, and turn from their ways, leading to healing and transformation in the land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Friday’s Impact Challenge: Invite Invite Invite!

Invite all five of the people on your list to this Sunday’s Homecoming Service! You can text them this message and the flyer:) 

Here’s A Sample Message:

Hey (First Name), I hope you are doing well! I am reaching out to invite you to be my guest this Sunday at my church’s Homecoming Service this Sunday at 1:30 p.m. This special service is where we come together and believe God for change and breakthrough in our lives. It’s going to be great and I would love for you to join me. Do you think you can make it? Please let me know and I will reserve a seat for you! 


*Be sure to go to lightcitycentral.com to reserve your guest seat once they reply YES. Please input their correct contact information.*

Homecoming Service-Saturday 

  • Pray for a covering of the blood of Jesus over every facet of the Homecoming Service. Cover the Light team members, the sanctuary, the sound, those ministering, the Pastors, and the attendees. 

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit's irresistible drawing power will be evident through our invitation and marketing efforts John 6:44 and Pray for hearts to be prepared to receive the Gospel and respond to the invitation Acts 16:14

  • Pray for a spirit of expectancy and hunger among the people as they approach Sunday service Psalm 42:1-2

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit's conviction to lead many to salvation at Homecoming Service. John 16:8 Pray for divine appointments that lead to salvation and transformation, just as Philip experienced in Acts 8:26-39.

  • Pray for breakthroughs in the lives of those attending Isaiah 43:19 and Pray for miraculous manifestations of God's power during the service Mark 16:17-18

  • Pray for a release of God's anointing upon the worship, teaching, and ministry during the Revival Homecoming service Isaiah 61:1-3

  • Pray for the binding and breaking of every spiritual bondage Isaiah 58:6 

  • Pray for discernment to identify and expose the works of darkness Ephesians 5:11-12

  • Pray for the annihilation of every demonic stronghold and principalities that oppose the purpose of the service 2 Corinthians 2:14 

  • Pray for the release of prophetic declarations that bring down spiritual walls, as Joshua experienced in Joshua 6:20

  • Pray for the anointing to cast out demonic influences and unclean spirits Mark 16:17

  • Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit's power that breaks every yoke Isaiah 10:27

  • Pray for an atmosphere of worship that invites God's presence to war on our behalf 2 Chronicles 20:22

Saturday’s Impact Challenge: Social Media Invites

 Share the Homecoming Flyer or An Invitation Video on your social media. Remember one invite can change a life forever!